Docusaurus: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v3.7.0(15 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 42Monthly npm downloads

@docusaurus/core is a powerful static site generator that allows for easy creation and maintenance of documentation websites. It provides a flexible and customizable framework for building static websites with React, enabling developers to focus on content creation rather than complex configurations. With features like built-in SEO optimization, theming support, and versioning capabilities, @docusaurus/core is well-suited for creating professional and user-friendly documentation sites.

Compared to other static site generators like Gatsby or Next.js, @docusaurus/core is specifically tailored for documentation purposes, offering specialized tools and workflows for managing documentation projects efficiently.

Tags: static-site-generatordocumentationReactSEOtheming